Jan 29,

Think different – do different – be different

We have known for several decades now that simply providing people with accurate, easy to understand information about exercise and wellness is no guarantee that they will actually act on this information. Never before, on the web and in the media has there been such a wealth of easily accessible information about paths to active, healthy living, and simultaneously never before has there been such a prevalence of inactivity and obesity/overweight in the US. Clearly knowledge and education...

Jan 5,

Thinking S.M.A.R.T., timely

NOTE: The S.M.A.R.T. series is best read from the first post. Start with Get SMART - Look Yourself In The i - and read from there


Effective goal setting is conducted and expected to be completed within a specific time frame i.e. "How long will you give yourself to achieve this goal?" While research has shown that a definable, pre-determined time frame is...

Jan 4,

Thinking S.M.A.R.T., relevantly (Really Importantly)

NOTE: The SMART series is best read from the first post. Start with Get SMART - Look Yourself In The i - and read from there.


Ok you probably noticed I added a couple of words to the title of this post (with tongue ever so slightly in cheek) 'Really Importantly' - and here's why. The "R" in this acronym is typically written as "...

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