NOTE: The SMART series is best read from the first post. Start with Get SMART - Look yourself in the i - and read from there.


The second acronymic letter after the "i", research tells us that a "Measurable" goal is a "makeable" goal. I'm paraphrasing here of course because it is highly unlikely that researchers would be this simplistic. In research terms you would be more likely to read that setting measurable goals allows you to Establish concrete criteria for accurately determining progress toward the attainment of each set goal considered to be appropriate for the individual in question.

But hopefully "makeable" does it for you.

My point here is that if you can measure the goal you can make the goal. Of course "Makeable" is no guarantee you are going to "make it" - just that you are far more likely to do so if you are able to measure what you want to "make".

Measurement provides meaning to your goal and puts your achievement into perspective (Did I make it or not? - Was I successful or not?). Only by measuring (and being able to measure) will you discover the answers to these indispensable goal-oriented questions. What is your start point? - What is your endpoint? How will you know where you end up if you don't know where you started?

I made the point in my last post that being Specific in your goal setting was important. Being Measurable is all of a part with this because the more specific your goal is - the easier it is to measure. For example "I'm going to get more active this year" is not specific and not really measurable - how do you know when you have "got" more active? In contrast, "I'm going to walk briskly around the neighborhood for 15 minutes every day" is not only Specific but also Measurable (Did I walk every day around the neighborhood? Answer = Yes/No. Did I walk briskly? Answer = Yes/No)

You see how all these things are coming together?

So ask yourself ... What will tell me I have achieved my goal?

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